Friday, March 16, 2007

Book Review - Info on Automobile Insurance

by Angela Watkins

She says to shop around for auto insurance discounts. She shares
tips on insuring young drivers.

Your momma said you should drive the speed limit,and insurance
companies agree. Each ticket and each accident add surcharge
points and additional premiums to the cost of a policy. Go for
the higher deductions on comprehensive and collision in order to
insure big accidents, not fender benders.

Secure estimates from at least three major companies before
purchasing automobile insurance. Some vehicles are far more
expensive to insure than others, so check with an insurance
agent before buying a car.

Some companies offer discounts to nonsmokers and or
non-drinkers. Certain professions, such as the military, are
sometimes given special discounts.

Carefully consider when a teenager gets his drivers licensce.
Once they have a licensce, even if they don't have a car to
drive, they'll have to be listed some where on the policy.

The best option is to put a teenager as the prinicipal driver on
an older vehicle.

I reviewed this book in 2005.

The author of this book was a successful insurance broker who
never used a coupon. She is known as America's Financial Expert.
She speaks to live audiences of 6,000 people or more.

She has appeared on 100's of TV and radio programs including
CNN, Fox News Channel, CNBC's Power Lunch, the international
radio show, Money Matters,and Simplify Your Life, a reality TV
series for the Fine Living Network.

Ellie Kay is the author of The Debt Diet.

About the author:
Writer, Web Publishing, Book Reviewer, Freelancer, Christian

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